Wednesday Vignette – a little visual diversion

As the day flashed by, I got all kinds of grand ideas for what to write this week. But you know what? It’s my bedtime, and I just finished ordering plants and writing emails and plant lists, so whatever those ideas were – they will have to wait until another time. The news this week have been dreadful, and once again, shoveling gravel and thinking up pretty things proved more pleasant diversions than observing the world we continue to ravage.

I took last Sunday off, and it was wonderful. I caught up with family near and far, and spent some time outside, putzing around. What you’ll get today are some of my favorite surprises from out there. If nothing else, know this; plants just keep doing their thing, regardless of our human antics, and that, my friends, is a marvelous thing!

Popcorn or mini marshmallows? Poncirus trifoliata’s leaves are about to open, but I wish it would just stay like this. I love seeing them just like this from my kitchen sink.
The Shredded Umbrella plant – Syneilesis palmatum is one of my absolute favorite spring treats. When they first emerge, they look like furry little mushrooms. Just adorable!
Nestled with the ever-spreading and quite endearing Mouse plant (Arisarum proboscideum) the Chinese Mayapples (Podophyllum pleianthum) rise each spring, surrounded also by one of the most wonderful ferns of all Himalayan Maiden Hair Fern (Adiantum venustum).
One of the things I did on Sunday was build a plinth for my bowl of Sarracenias, and give them a good cleaning. As I removed all the ratty foliage, I saw to my delight a number of flower buds. The effort of getting them closer to eye level is paying off already!
To my dear husband’s chagrin, this corner (which is supposed to he “his” space) has become a catch-all for all my yet-to-be-planteds. Adding insult to injury, the garden is also full of scores of plants I’ve purchased for three different clients. Many of them will leave this coming weekend, and others the weekend after that. I started cleaning it up, but will have to finish later. For now, the Sarracenia bowl rises above the fray on its new pedestal, and the Appleblossom Clematis is stealing the show. Monstrously vigorous, i’s almost too much of a good thing. Have a kind and gentle week, y’all!

About annamadeit

I was born and raised in Sweden, By now, I have lived almost as long in the United States. The path I’ve taken has been long and varied, and has given me a philosophical approach to life. I may joke that I’m a sybarite, but the truth is, I find joy and luxury in life’s simple things as well. My outlook on life has roots in a culture rich in history and tradition, and I care a great deal about environmental stewardship. Aesthetically, while drawn to the visually clean, functional practicality and sustainable solutions that are the hallmarks of modern Scandinavia, I also have a deep appreciation for the raw, the weathered, and the worn - materials that tell a story. To me, contrast, counterpoint, and diversity are what makes life interesting and engaging. Color has always informed everything I do. I’m a functional tetrachromat, and a hopeless plantoholic. I was originally trained as an architect working mostly on interiors, but soon ventured outside - into garden design. It’s that contrast thing again… An interior adrift from its exterior, is like a yin without a yang. My firm conviction that everything is connected gets me in trouble time and time again. The world is a big place, and full of marvelous distractions, and offers plentiful opportunities for inquiry and exploration. I started writing to quell my constant queries, explore my discoveries, and nurture my curiosity. The Creative Flux was started in 2010, and became a catch-all for all kinds of intersecting interests. The start of Flutter & Hum at the end of 2013 marks my descent into plant nerd revelry. I occasionally contribute to other blogs, but those two are my main ones. For sure, topics are all over the map, but then again - so am I! Welcome to my blogs!
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4 Responses to Wednesday Vignette – a little visual diversion

  1. Kris P says:

    We can all use a good diversion (or several) at the moment, Anna. Your photos draw the viewer in. The clematis is well-named and absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed the emerging Sarracenia flowers too.

    • annamadeit says:

      Thank you, Kris! Goodness – I just now realized I posted this on The Creative Flux instead of on Flutter & Hum. I must have been really distracted… The Sarracenias have become one of the first things I check on when I get home. I can’t wait to see it in full bloom!

  2. Tina says:

    Putzing around is a very important thing to do, especially now. I love the photo with the crabapple and mouse plant. I’m not familiar with either of those, but wowzer, they’re great together!

    Be sure to get outside as often as possible and breathe deeply. Have a good week, Anna!

  3. annamadeit says:

    Thanks, Tina! I wish I had gotten a better photo of the mouse plant’s flower. It’s so weird – it really does look like little mice. Super odd and cute! And yes on the putzing around – it is a lifesaver. I hope you get to do a lot of that too, Tina! It’s good for both body and soul.

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